Pleaure Memoir
October 17, 2020Read more...Last year March I was weighing 76kgs and today, one year later, I weigh 54kgs. People have been asking me how I did it and so I thought I’d explain: Typically, I start my day with a coffee or green tea. Brunch is either scrambled eggs on toast, hummus on toast, a cheese and tomato roll or a...September 5, 2020Read more...I've never realised this before writing this post but as I was thinking of a title, I realised that the first letter of my two best yogis and my name, spells YES i.e. Yana, EJ and Shai. That's so apt and incredibly cool. Yana, Shai and I share a very special and unique bond. There is a Rumi...August 1, 2020Read more..."It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." - Madiba My friend, Rucita, shares a birthday with the late and beloved Nelson...March 24, 2020Read more...Karma Yoga expands the heart and breaks all barriers that stand in the way of unity or oneness. The secret is to work without any attachment and egoism. The practice of Karma Yoga allows for inner spiritual strength and power by performing motiveless and selfless actions. Mostly, we tend to do...March 23, 2020Read more...Being a vegetarian is a weird concept for most. There is a perception that food has to have meat in it or it has no flavour and is not worth eating. And although I believe that we are capable of making our own decisions as to what works best for us, we are also conditioned to view certain...March 22, 2020Read more...Before I had enrolled in my Yoga Teacher Training course, I had no idea that Yin Yoga existed. The only yoga that I’ve ever practiced was at my Ashram and at the gym. Usually, I build up a sweat and it feels like a workout. Upon studying Anatomy and getting acquainted to parts of the body other...March 22, 2020Read more...When tasked to create a Vinyasa Flow for my Yoga Teacher Assessment Exam, the immediate thought that came to mind was that of the Tree of Life. I designed an hour class around the Tree of Life using the following opening meditation about trees to set the tone: Sit comfortably and bring your...योग Peace of Mind Processor
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